Pda For Kids What Amount Of PDA Do You Think Is Appropriate In Front Of The Children?

What amount of PDA do you think is appropriate in front of the children? - pda for kids

My husband and I are not really agree on this issue. He thinks he has fairly modest French kiss and grope each other in front of the children. I think we should consider the main (single, snacking, grazing) Where is the border and why? Man thinks that it will see healthy for children, who still loves and I fear we will try what they see. Please help is much appreciated advice.


Mom to Six said...

Personally, my husband and I think it's important to show affection for each other in front of our children, we think it's important for them is to show how to interact and normal healthy adults.

However, we have tried to draw the line and tongue and throat. A kiss is a deep affection for the grotesque. Pats on the back is okay, but stroking the genitals and breasts --- nuh uh.

I see your point, really, like a small child could misinterpret things in their relationship with their colleagues. However, my children have always known that the difference between the various levels of personal relationships.

Caligirl... said...

It's a bit difficult because there are pros and cons of each. Personally, I agree with her husband. Just today see children their parents care enough, I think. My husband and I kiss her and touch all the time before our son, and found that now when we kissed, get back our son and wants to embrace us all. I think children should be taught where the line is drawn. Show them because they are married, this behavior is unacceptable, and shows how much we love each other. Children are smarter than we give them credit, and I think with a little explanation to learn well and much love to them, to what is appropriate. I'm sure your husband is not in front of them ... touching and kissing is a great thing to teach your children. Show them you love each other!

Again, this is what I feel and that my husband and I are in our house.

kitkat said...

The operation of the hand, nibbling, a hug, a friendly pat on the back, and push everything we do to children. Everything else is place behind closed doors. It's not nice to see, or in other cases among men and to scan the copy.

EDIT: The guys from "is what we and the children", which means that some wouldnt do more than they can do. Not that I ever.

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